
Monday, March 18, 2013


Portugal was another place that I was really hoping to get to go to, and last weekend we went! It was less than an hour drive, and we were in another country. It's incredible that there isn't border control, or a toll you have to pay, or anything. It's just one minute you're in Spain, and the next minute you're in Portugal. It's really a beautiful country, very tranquil due mostly to the fact that the Portuguese aren't as loud and talkative like the Spanish are. There's a softer hum in the air.

Portuguese is a beautiful language, but it's really not as similar to Spanish as I thought. I could only understand a few words when I heard people speaking Portuguese. For example, "Gracias" is "Obrigado." Really not too much similarity there! But everyone in Portugal basically knows Spanish, so a lot of Spaniards vacation there.

Here's the pictures:

The national symbol of Portugal is a rooster

The ice cream selection :)
There was even a double rainbow while we were there!!

Every single chimney is different in Portugal

Life is good
Besos, Lani.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


So this is going to be a post about Sevilla, where I visited two weekends ago.

I just want to say Sevilla was beautiful. To me it was such a typical Spanish city, rich in history and with incredible architecture. I absolutely loved it, it is my favorite Spanish city that I have seen so far. Basically, it's only about an 1 hour and 1/2 from where we live, so my family and I just planned to go for the Saturday, and it was awesome! Here's a ton of pictures:

If you take a trip to Spain, visit Sevilla. You have to!

Just thought this was cute :)

Here we are

In the Cathedral of Sevilla (that we later explored)

Now one of my favorite things about Sevilla was all the street acts. They were really really impressive! This was a kind of indigenous singing act...

Can't figure out this one...


This one was kinda creepy...
Also saw my first Starbucks in 6 months..
Inside the cathedral I mentioned...

Statue to represent the tomb of Christopher Colombus

Called the Plaza of the Orange Trees
The Tower called "la Giralda"
I joined in with a German touring group! German seems cool :)
Climbing "la Giralda"
The View- Sevilla, Spain
The big circle in the center is a bull-fighting ring
It's basically the bell tower of Sevilla..

Now just for some random pictures of other parts of Sevilla...

Another tower, with lots of history information inside
I can picture myself living here..

Get it? It's cool, because I'm like leaning up against the tower ahaha

This is Sevilla University
It's a COLLEGE...definitely the prettiest one I've ever seen

Streets of Sevilla

The famous Plaza of Spain
Interesting fact...there's actually a beautiful Spanish Plaza like this one in almost all of the big Spanish cities.

A little girl was there to take communion pictures...
That's us in the boat!

Well, folks, that's about it. It was a amazing trip and one I am very grateful to have taken. Thanks for keeping up with me!
Besos, Lani.